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2011 US Capitol Classics – Bringing Back the History
In 2010, the US Capitol Classics and China Open moved to a new location in National Harbor, Maryland at the Gaylord Resort and Convention Center. The mammoth and beautiful building that encompasses the [...]
The Battle of the Champions Ends the West-Pac Season
In the blazing hot sun of El Paso, Texas, Laco Villanueva proudly hosted the 9th annual Battle of the Champions the weekend of July 16-17, 2011. Beautiful weather and fantastic food provided a [...]
The 2011 US Open Review
The SportMartialArts.com crew covered the US Open Karate Championships the weekend of July 1-2, 2011 at the Coronado Springs Resort in Disneyworld in Florida. The event always draws a highly international crowd and [...]
2011 All Star Camp Gets Competitors Ready
The US Open Karate Championships is the most prestigious tournament in sport karate. Lately, the fighting divisions draw the most competitors and at the top of the fighting sector is Team All Stars. [...]